About Us

Welcome to Seacom Group

Seacom Group – a multi-dimensional and multi disciplined organisation having its core strengths in University, Education, Hospitality, Marine, Sports….
The single largest educational conglomerate in Eastern India, the group addresses the critical area of Technical and Vocational education in a region that has, for reasons political, historical and economics, suffered immeasurably due to high levels of unemployment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Seacom Group has played a stellar role in swaying the tide against the old colonial educational system that produced countless “generalists” every year the “qualified” thousands who has few or no takers in the job market. The group of institutions offer entire gamut of academic courses.

Possession of relevant knowledge, creation of new knowledge, and the capacity for its application has become the determinants in the strength of a nation. Education is a dynamic phenomenon that must recognise the changes in the environment and respond to the growing demands and challenges. Education is a large system, the parameters of which show a high rate of change. In today’s scenario, the educational planners have to take a global view.

Choosing a career is a multi-step process. We at Seacom Group will try to provide with a model which help you to choose a career and gain competencies required for it. The decision for each individual is different, since everyone is a distinct individual, so this model is generic in nature which should be helpful not only for fresher but also throughout one’s life. Our objective is to contribute social, moral and religious formation of the whole individual.

Mission & Vision


To improve the quality of individual as well as societal life by means of quality education with embedded employable skills. Education for the Good Life will be pursued, in every action and intent of the University, with an inalienable attitude of respect to the interdependence and integration of knowledge and skills at every level of engagement.
SEACOM GROUP The single largest educational conglomerate in Eastern India, the group addresses the critical area of Technical and Vocational education in a region that has, for reasons political, historical and economics, suffered immeasurably due to high levels of unemployment. The Group has taken a new approach in offering Engineering and Technical Education with maximum industry orientation and more stress on practical skills, aiming at building greater confidence in students. To keep abreast with emerging technological and industrial needs, experts will be inducted from time to time and as when necessary. The institute aims also to provide quality technical education along with development of intellectual qualities and corporate ethics – creating potential manpower for industries as well as research and development..

Seacom Group – a multi-dimensional and multi disciplined organisation having its core strengths in University, Education, Hospitality, Marine, Sports….
The single largest educational conglomerate in Eastern India, the group addresses the critical area of Technical and Vocational education in a region that has, for reasons political, historical and economics, suffered immeasurably due to high levels of unemployment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Seacom Group has played a stellar role in swaying the tide against the old colonial educational system that produced countless “generalists” every year the “qualified” thousands who has few or no takers in the job market. The group of institutions offer entire gamut of academic courses.

Mission & Vision

To improve the quality of individual as well as societal life by means of quality education with embedded employable skills. Education for the Good Life will be pursued, in every action and intent of the University, with an inalienable attitude of respect to the interdependence and integration of knowledge and skills at every level of engagement.
SEACOM GROUP The single largest educational conglomerate in Eastern India, the group addresses the critical area of Technical and Vocational education in a region that has, for reasons political, historical and economics, suffered immeasurably due to high levels of unemployment. The Group has taken a new approach in offering Engineering and Technical Education with maximum industry orientation and more stress on practical skills, aiming at building greater confidence in students. To keep abreast with emerging technological and industrial needs, experts will be inducted from time to time and as when necessary. The institute aims also to provide quality technical education along with development of intellectual qualities and corporate ethics – creating potential manpower for industries as well as research and development..


Seacom Group – a multi-dimensional and multi disciplined organisation having its core strengths in University, Education, Hospitality, Marine, Sports….
The single largest educational conglomerate in Eastern India, the group addresses the critical area of Technical and Vocational education in a region that has, for reasons political, historical and economics, suffered immeasurably due to high levels of unemployment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Seacom Group has played a stellar role in swaying the tide against the old colonial educational system that produced countless “generalists” every year the “qualified” thousands who has few or no takers in the job market. The group of institutions offer entire gamut of academic courses.

Chairman, Managing Trustee

Shri Anish Chakraborty

In a rapidly advancing world around us, new technologies are emerging and fast discarding the old ones. People with new perceptions are pursuing the goal for better world. We, in Seacom, are aware of this and endeavoring our outmost to participate in these changing processes.
Our dedicated faculty and associates are molding and preparing students to face the challenges around us.
In fact, in this dynamic world students’ task is uphill. Therefore, our prime task is to ensure all-round development of students to become a part and parcel of the rapidly changing world. it’s worth to think that our association with students is not just for a few years of study but ever lasting. You are all aware that these four years of student life will be a golden period for you all. We welcome you to join our University for a successful and rewarding future.

Seacomgroup Collaboration

North American University, USA

Carleton University, Canada

Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey

Yunan Vocational College of Transportation, P.R. China

Pandit Deen Dayal Petroleum University

Skill council of Green Jobs

Logistic Skill Council

Life Science Skill Council